Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Journey

The last several months we have really dug deep into the Law and have begun to look at some of what a Jewish person would learn growing up and how they would live their life. I think that the majority of The Gathering Community would admit that this has brought up some questions and has caused many to dive into the Word searching for answers-myself included. That something as simple as discussing what a Jew's daily life would look like forces us into the Word is amazing to me. Have you noticed? Conversations have changed. Many of what used to be normal conversations have changed into ones centered on Jesus. Do we follow the Law? Do we not? What about pork and shellfish? And all the offerings? What the heck do we do with those? Do we really make a 'booth' outside during Sukkot and sleep in it and have a party for 7 days?

Then we have Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur-did you practice them? To truly set aside time for self-examination, confession and repentance, and prayer and fasting is something I think we would all say is beneficial. So why haven't we been doing it? Is it because we didn't know? Because it's difficult? Lack of understanding?

Last Sunday Adrianne talked about her journey-especially about how she has been learning about the festivals and Jewish culture for the last 10 years-and admitting, still, that she doesn't understand it all or have it all together. If nothing else, these past months of study have caused many of us to seek God in a way like never before. Maybe, just maybe there is something to it.

(Note: This is meant to be more of a continual thought process and discussion starter. We are all in a journey seeking truth-let's share our journey together, whether you are in the very beginning with more questions than answers or a little bit further along-quite possibly still with more questions than answers :) Feel free to share a thought. Let's grow together.)


  1. I find it interesting to look back on this blog over a month after it was written. I recall my first impressions were mostly that of "Say wha???". I became a Christ-follower at the age of 26 and have journeyed for almost 20 years now through the peaks and valleys of scripture. I feel that anything I understand up to this point is a gracious gift of knowledge made possible through the Holy Spirit. I too find myself at a new crossroads. I feel as though God is on the verge of opening a new door, and new depth of understanding. Where at first this idea created a sense of anxiety and skepticism, once past my wall of pride (and I do recognize that as my own stubborn pride), God is clearly opening the eyes of my heart to His truth. For so long I have relied on the Holy Spirit to teach and remind me, now I feel as though He is leading me to a much richer understanding. Yes, there are many things I DON'T understand. Yes, I constantly have a ton of questions. No, I don't know whether or not I should give up pork and shellfish yet. BUT, I appreciate that The Gathering is devoted to searching out the raw truth of scripture and not some candy-coated version. Thank you for challenging us to dig deeper and to set our eyes on things above.
